Showing posts with label Patricia clarkson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patricia clarkson. Show all posts

04 November 2021

Carrie (2002)

On November 4th, 2002 a made for TV remake of Stephen King’s Carrie aired on NBC. 

Directed by David Carson and written by Bryan Fuller. 

Starring Angela Bettis and Patricia Clarkson as Carrie and Margaret White. 

Angela Bettis as Carrietta White

Patricia Clarkson as Margaret White

Preceded by Brian De Palma’s film Carrie (1976) starring Sissy Spacek and Katt Shea’s sequel The Rage: Carrie 2 (1999) with Emily Bergl

This 2002 version is the most faithful to King’s novel. 

The biggest difference is that Carrie survives in the end with the hopes that a TV series would develop from the film’s success. Although the airing had strong viewership and the actors performances were praised (especially Bettis’) critics panned as critics will do and the series never came to fruition. 

Kandyse McClure as Sue Snell
Emilie de Ravin as Chris Hargensen
and Katharine Isabelle as Tina Blake

Rena Sofer as Miss Desjarden

Also on this date:

John Carpenter’s They Live premiered in 1988


Carrie (1976)