Another one from the early days of cable.
Released theatrically on this date in 1982 it didn’t find its popularity until it began broadcasting endlessly on HBO, TNT AND TBS.
It was played so often that there was a joke that HBO stood for
“Hey, Beastmaster’s on”
and TBS was
“The Beastmaster Station”.
It stars Marc Singer, Tanya Roberts, John Amos and Rip Fucking Torn.
Directed by Phantasm mastermind Don Coscarelli, The Beastmaster slowly faded into obscurity...
...until last year when Coscarelli announced that he and producer/ co-writer Paul Pepperman had reacquired the rights to the movie and were interested in shopping a possible reboot.
They are also actively seeking the original film print for restoration.
Also on this date:
Mark Borchardt was born in 1966